

When I was younger I used to think that everything must be perfect. I guess this was because I had really high expectations of myself and projected these onto others. I used to get really frustrated when things were not right and I would spend a lot of time being...
Communication lines

Communication lines

It is so important for you to be contactable.  Most of you carry around a mobile phone in your bag or pocket. When we had to reschedule the flu clinic at the last minute, we had a team of receptionists calling every person on the list to let them know of the...
Winter Illness

Winter Illness

Winter is well and truly in full swing. The coldest temperature recorded in June was 0 degrees Celsius on the 19th. And we could definitely tell it was cold that day!  Winter brings with it all sorts of ailments.  Often joint disorders such as rheumatoid...
Friends we love to hate

Friends we love to hate

A common feature of getting older is the presence of one or more chronic medical conditions. It goes with the territory. For many of us, our chronic diseases become like the friends we love to hate: they are familiar, they cause us grief, and we love to talk about...


It truly is the most frustrating thing to walk into a room and forget why you’re there. But for many, memory loss is more than that. It means that you avoid social situations because you can’t remember people’s names. It might mean that you’re arguing with your...
Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence

“I’ll just stay at home today.” “Oops!”  “Another accident!” How many times have you said one of these phrases because of urinary incontinence? According to the Continence Foundation of Australia: Urinary incontinence affects 10% of men, and 38% of women –...