It truly is the most frustrating thing to walk into a room and forget why you’re there. But for many, memory loss is more than that. It means that you avoid social situations because you can’t remember people’s names. It might mean that you’re arguing with your partner who just doesn’t understand that you forget.
Memory loss affects your whole being.
So what can we do about this? Here are some practical tips:
- Train your brain: Practice storing and retrieving memories by playing the Memory card game, doing crosswords, reading or solving puzzles.
- Exercise is great for your health and can also help in improving memory.
- Practice meditation. This can reduce your stress levels.
- Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
- If you like sweets, then choose dark chocolate. Dark chocolate can boost brain function.
- Discuss your concerns with your spouse, family and/or friends so they know to be patient.
- See your GP for a formal assessment of your memory. You may need a blood test and a CT brain to start with.
- Review with a Geriatrician who can do more formal testing and provide medications as required.