When I was younger I used to think that everything must be perfect. I guess this was because I had really high expectations of myself and projected these onto others. I used to get really frustrated when things were not right and I would spend a lot of time being judgemental. If there was something not quite right, then I felt that it was my place to point it out and comment on it. I found that my comments to other people were poorly received, and my personal frustration really just made me and others unhappy.
The truth is that no-one is perfect. As much as we wish – our partners, our employees, our bosses, the check-out operator, the receptionist, the doctor and even we are imperfect. If we spend our time expecting perfection, then we just will be disappointed.
I felt the easiest way to change my mindset was to think the following things when faced with frustration:
- They are just trying their best.
- No one is perfect.
- This is someone who deserves my love and compassion.
Let’s continue to work together to make this world a better place for each other.